Friday, December 12, 2008

Live from my couch:

I think the stress and frustration and business of this past week finally just took it's toll on my body... and stress won. Which left me curled in a miserable little ball on my bed willing the headache to go away with all my might, and having no luck accomplishing the task. Thanks to the marvels of modern medicine, I was able to take some drugs that knocked me out for a solid 8 hrs. When I awoke this morning, however, the drugs had not knocked out the headache. which is why I come to you now, live from my couch, when I should be at work. I actually am feeling better now, but it being a little after one it is not worth it to go into work for a couple hours just to deal with junk when I am still not at 100%. So Winston and I are taking it easy.
Actually, Winston thinks he's a king today, becuase someone stayed home to keep the bed warm just for him! Cool, huh?
I think I shall round out my sick-y fest/day off by eating some oatmeal, wrapping a few straggling Christmas presents, and begging my roommate to go pick up my pay check. If all goes well I should be rosey enough to view last nights episode of The Office with Lance by this evening. Can't wait! Now I just have to find motivation to shower...

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