You've come far and though you're far from the end, you don't mind where you are, 'cause you know where you've been.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
I asked him if he's sure he gave me the right statement.
He's sure.
Back to work for another couple hours and I call some guy and have him fax me, like twenty invoices their statement isn't showing and he is super annoyed, becuase, really, who wants to fax 20 invoices??? I wait for the invoices and I am getting frustrated with how long this thing is taking and why it doesn't make sense... and my boss comes up to my office and hands me a document...
"I think this is the correct statement, the one I gave you earlier (Oh, you mean the one i had been working off of for the past several hours and couldn't make sense of?!?!) is wrong. Oops."
And he leaves.
I seriously want to cry. And punch someone.
Opps?!?! REALLY?!?!?
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Funny (for me) but not fair.
He ate a healthy serving of spaghetti and tiny balls (heh) and then told me... "This was really good". (Note the missing word 'actually'? It wasn't 'actually really good' it was just 'really good'. Success. Men can be trained.) then he asked if I wanted to go get my new Christmas toy set up... and I said, "Yeah, but we need to clean up dinner first..." As I was reaching into the freezer for a pint of Haagen Dazs. Noting the icecream in my hand Z asked if that means he had to clean the kitchen by himself, and I said "No, not neccessa-- (wait, what am I saying?!?!?!?!) Yeah. I guess so, Z." And I plopped myself onto the couch with my ice cream to enjoy what was about to happen.
Z is laughing uncertainly about tackling dinner cleanup and i am giggling with glee wondering how this had actually happened! And then... he spills something. And FREAKS out. And of course the spill is entirely my fault because why would I leave a half-empty open bottle sitting out like that (Please note: Z has never left a half consumed container of ANYTHING sitting open ANYWHERE in the entire 27 years of his existence, so you can understand why my over sight is an unfathomable offense... Did you get through that without laughing? Yeah, me neither) So he's in the kitchen all flustered and hacked off and telling me I am in charge of cleaning up the floor since the spill is my fault-- and I am pretty sure he is serious, but the whole thing, and the drama of it all is making me giggle as he is arguing the 'fairness' of him having to clean up after me...
Ah... there we are. I honestly don't think that he really wants 'fairness' in our home... because i am pretty sure life as he knows it would change drastically-- no more homemade meals, dish washing, laundry, or grocery shopping from Mrs. P. If we are being 'fair' he can probably do those for himself.
Buuuut... we don't really want fairness and keeping score and not helping each other in our house. No one would be happy then. However I did enjoy that just for a few moments he experienced my daily frustration of being expected to by myself clean a mess that was made by someone else or for the benefit of someone else (food and dishes anyone?). I'm a little bit glad he experienced the 'unfairness' of it all. But to be honest, I don't really desire that anyone experience that for too long...
So I went in to help. I did make him clean up the unfair spill on his own.
And... don't tell anyone, but as much as I relished the moment sitting on the couch with my Haagen Dazs while Z was busy working... I actually much preferred the later moments with him in the kitchen laughing at each other, dumping the trash, and putting our dishes in the dishwasher.
I don't want to be fair-- just together.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas Hangover
And then I woke up three hours later.
And there was no husband next to me.
Wrapped a blanket around myself and ran down the stairs-- Zachary!
Who... just laughed at me and said, "I guess you aren't making it to church today." Yeah, I guess not.
I then realized that I was still nauseous and my head still hurt and I lay down on the stairs right there, and whimpered until Z made me get up and shower... drink some water... take a few ibuprofen... There, that's better. Did he slip something in my drink yesterday? No, he maintains his innocence.
We decided it must be a Christmas Hangover. After weeks of preparing, stressing, cleaning, sewing, rehearsing, baking, and making sure everything was (mostly) perfect... the day came and went in one big WHOOSH and the aftermath left an exhausted Valerie.
But you know what the perfect cure for a Christmas Hangover is? An Egg-nog shake purchased for you by your husband at Sheridans. And if you are suffering similarly of a Christmas Hangover, you are in luck because (for the time being...) Sheridans still has them on their menu...
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Ev'ry valley shall be exalted, and ev'ry mountain and hill made low; the crooked straight, and the rough places plain.
And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see together; for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
(Isaiah 40 : 1-5)
Thus saith the Lord, the Lord of Hosts; Yet once a little while and I will shake the heav'ns and the earth, the sea and the dry land: And I will shake all nations; and the desire of all nations shall come.
(Haggai 2 : 6-7)
The Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to His temple, even the messenger of the Covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, He shall come, saith the Lord of Hosts.
But who may abide the day of His coming, and who shall stand when He appeareth? For He is like a refiner's fire.
And He shall purify the sons of Levi, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness.
(Malachi 3 :1-3)
Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a Son, and shall call his name Emmanuel, GOD WITH US.
(Isaiah 7 : 14; Matthew 1 : 23)
O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, get thee up into the high mountain. O thou that tellest good tidings to Jerusalem, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, behold your God! O thou that tellest good tidings to Zion, Arise, shine, for thy Light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.
(Isaiah 40 : 9; Isaiah 60 : 1)
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And the Gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.
(Isaiah 60 : 2-3)
The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light; and they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
(Isaiah 9 : 2)
For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.
(Isaiah 9 : 6)
There were shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flocks by night.
And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them, and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them: Fear not, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And suddenly there was with the angel, a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God, and saying:
Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth, good will towards men.
(Luke 2 : 8-14)
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Hot Mess Christmas
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Another Anniversary
Donna, my babysitter, convinced my parents I needed my eyes checked. They had the school nurse do an eye check and she told my parents there was nothing wrong with me and my eyes were fine-- that my babysitter was crazy. My parents were satisfied after the school nurse's exam... but Donna persisted. There was something wrong.
So more as a last resort to appease the babysitter than anything... my parents took me to the physician... who sent us to an ophthalmologist... who sent us to an oncologist and a surgeon. Turns out Donna was right-- there was something wrong. I was diagnosed with Retinoblastoma, cancer of the retina, on December 19, 1990. The doctors told my parents to go home and have a normal Christmas... I had surgery 8 days later to remove my right eye. The cancer was entirely contained within the retina, and the surgery was successful in completely removing the cancer from my body...
So today finds me nearly 20 years cancer free... and that is exciting to share! Were it not for the persistence of our dear friend and babysitter, it could be a very different ending to this story. I have been blessed with many such people throughout my life-- who have been the right person at the right moment to (sometimes very literally, see above) save my life. It seems there is really no appropriate way to express gratitude to those people...
Anyway... Happy Anniversary. 20 years I guess that quite an accomplishment, of sorts. Makes me feel old. :)
Buuuuut... Z and I busted out the fancy glasses and had ourselves a little celebration and a toast "To the defeat of evil!" (his words). Feel free to celebrate with us as you see fit!
(in case you were curious... HERE is what I had to say about it last year...)
Monday, November 29, 2010
Slow and Steady (race report)
You've decided to start your day with 3.1 miles. Oh, and I do I need to remind you it's only 20 degrees outside? So, bundle up! Whats that? You don't really have winter running gear? What the crap were you thinking?!?!
Bundled in leggings, Z's ARMY sweatpants, a couple t-shirts, Z's Old Navy Fleece and Hawkeyes knit cap, and J's gloves... I headed out for the Thanksgiving Day 5K. I looked way super ultra classy... and I was warm. So there you go.
My Husband is a runner. He gets all competitive and has time goals and people he wants to beat. I usually have 1 goal, and that is to finish, and if I beat a PR, well, that's cool. Because guess what? I'm slow. But I'm cool with that, even if Z is not.
The course was on the Sprint Campus in Overland Park, and was basically an out and back that was uphill out... which you can figure out means 'back' is all downhill... ahhhhhhh... it's a beautiful thing. So ONE WOULD THINK that halfway through my second mile my pace would pick up a bit. You know, make up some time on those nice slopey downhills... and I totally thought I was, at the time. After the race I checked my splits.
Mile 1 - 12:04
Mile 2 - 12:06
(and I never saw the 3 mile marker... sooo... the last is 3.14 miles (it was a Pi run!)
Mile 3 + .14 - 14:18
Total 3.14 miles - 38:28
So those first two miles were obviously a nice consistent pace, yeah me! Slow but steady, thats how a Valerie runs. The last mile I was really cold, and obviously getting a little tired, so I slowed down a bit.
The last 5k I did my official time was 37:47. So I didn't beat my PR but, it was approximately 50 degrees colder out this time, so only adding about 45 seconds to my time I am not broken hearted about. I feel good about what I did.
I would not recommend running a 5k and then spending the next 4 hours of your life on your feet barefoot in the kitchen preparing the Biggest meal of the year... unless you want your legs to let you know about it. Should your days activities require you to be on your feet for extended periods of time... wear some supportive shoes for heaven's sake!
So that's my race report from Thanksgiving day! It was fun, I would do it again. I got a shirt with a turkey on it. I think Mr. and Mrs. P are going to make this a Thanksgiving tradition.
Hope your Thanksgiving was lovely!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
No deal on the no-shows.
Friday, November 12, 2010
No crying over spilled... ornaments.
I was out with my husband last night and gleefully informed him that I was going to have to shop for all new red ornaments for our tree. My plan is to buy sparkly ones... lots of glitter. The more sparkles the better! Z is lobbying for something more subdued, less sparkle, more understated manly-ness. He obviously doesn't understand the true meaning of Christmas.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
It's not that I am anti-baby. Babies are cool when they are across the room, not puking, pooing, or soiling themselves in some other way, and not in any way associated with my womb. All I am trying to say here... is I don't want to have to sit around with baby stuff before my day comes... and that day coming is still something I am bargaining with God about (Dear God, Not real excited about pregnancy, childbirth, toys that make animal noises, and small sticky hands. Love, Valerie).
All I'm saying is... if dear co-worker doesn't claim their baby gift soon, it might find a--er--safer storage place in the back room or by the dumpster or far far away from my baby-free zone of a desk.
Monday, November 8, 2010
I just tried to bury my worries in a big bowl of brown guacamole (yes, guacamole is supposed to be green, but it's 2 days old and the only thing in my fridge) and made it half way through before realizing I was having an allergic reaction to it-- I'm allergic to avocado and can't handle that kind of concentration of it. So now i'm looped up on Allergy meds? But really, kids, instead of making me loopy maybe the meds are clearing my mind... because I don't feel like I have been able to think this straight in weeks.
I've had a Britney Spears song stuck in my head for like... 3 days. It's kinda starting to grate on my sanity.
I kinda wish someone else could take over and just take care of things for a while. I've too much to do and obviously cannot handle it. I hate the feeling of being a burden to other people or someone else having to pick up the slack because I can't hack it. But guess what? Thats where we're at right now.
Ugh. I just remembered I was supposed to work out tonight. And... I definitely forgot. I suck at disciplines.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
In other tree news, there is a giant one right on the other side of our fence in the back yard that I believe has a personal mission to dump absolutely as many leaves as it possibly can onto our 10x10 patio. And... we don't have a rake... soooo... It's piling up. the boys try to find ground to do their business and the are chest deep in leaves (given that's not too difficult because they are short dogs, but still...). It's kinda funny, in a we're bad parents and should really clear them a place but enjoy the entertainment of them digging out of a pile of leaves kind of way.
But regardless... I really love this time of year and all the pretty trees. I met my husband at the end of summer, and we dated and spent that fall getting to know each other. I can't help but think of how much I loved that fall each time the season has come around since then. Add some apple cider to the pretty colors and happy memories... and I'm sold.
Dear Fall,
You're the best! Never Change. (except your leaves, they can change colors. :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Beware of Stranger Huggers
(Yeah... that last one got me. Why would you do that? Introduce yourself, plop down and have an incredibly uncomfortable 30 minute conversation, then hug them on your way out? How does one respond to that? It doesn't seem like an appropriate occasion for a hug. And, really kids, Karma will get you BAD for making someone that uncomfortable. But I digress...)
Stranger Huggers don't seem to recognize or care for boundaries. They are blissfully unaware of how uncomfortable the hug can be to an unwilling recipient. They also seem to lack appropriate timing for hugs, even if they have secured a willing recipient, or appropriate situation.
You can kinda sense it coming when a stranger hugger is about to get you... they kinda get the glint in their eye... like they are about to share a moment with you. But you have to watch for it because it's fast, and if you miss the glint they might be 2/3 into the hug before you know what happens. When you see the glint try as quickly as possible to physically remove yourself from the general vicinity of the hugger. If it's too late for that... you can at least throw a shoulder at their open arms and go for the still awkward but less commitment side hug.
Sometimes the inevitable happens (as happened with the ex-boyfriend's new girlfriend hugger) where you are blindsided because you never in your wildest dreams thought someone would find this an appropriate situation or recipient for a hug... and you find yourself chest to chest with someone else's arms tightly wrapped around you... So, you do the back pat (two pats) and start to pull away. Sometimes they don't take the hint, and you have to start mumbling "Okay, thats good... okay..." as soon as they start to loosen their grip, break free and get out of there! You never know when stranger huggers may strike again, and they HAVE been known to strike the same victim twice.
So, just... be aware of your surroundings, and be careful out there!
(and... if you happen to run into me, waving is good, or even a handshake is tolerable... but hugging is strongly discouraged, unless of course, I initiate or you are my husband, in which case, hug away. I have rarely been offended by Z invading my personal space. He's the exception to the hug rule. Awww...)
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
No, really, it's seriously just my allergies.
So you can't win.
But whats really fun is about this time of year, when my allergies go NUTS. And I show up at work coughing, sneezing, blowing my nose, and talking in that nasal voice because my head is stuffed up tighter than an emo kid's pants. I'm popping Claritin and Zyrtec like it's my job, but no relief. AND of course this summer just keeps trying to hang on and hang on and hang on, and we are to the end of October with temps in the 80's with no hope of that first freeze that will finally FINALLY bring relief and assuage my sinuses with it's allergen-killing frosty-goodness.
But until that day...
I'm still at work.
"You have a cold?"
Nope, not a cold, just my allergies. Not infectious. Thanks.
"Wow, you've had that cold for a really long time."
No, no cold. Allergies.
"Are you taking something for that cold you have?"
Allergies, I have allergies...
"Please don't touch my pen, I don't want your cold."
It's just allergies, I promise!!!!
If it would just freeze already, to prove me right, that'd be great. But it won't. So I've got this 'cold' that I've had for about two months now... and everyone is convinced I am seconds from infecting them with it... and I should go home and get better, but not take any time off work. I am forced to be the office recluse... which is not altogether horrible... but you know a little annoying, because, SERIOUSLY guys, It's just my allergies.
Friday, October 15, 2010
100 DC Update #5
1) It is getting harder and harder to stick to our workouts. Motivation is waning, as is sleep and they just fuel the monster inside of me screaming that working out is SO not worth it. We work out around 10:00 every night, and maybe that would be fine for some of you, but for me it's a no go. Because it means I don't get to sleep until 12:00. My husband agreed to start doing our workouts on our own, so we wouldn't have to do it so late... but he doesn't get his done during his time home during the day very often because he is doing homework... so then the few precious hours we actually have together... he has to work out, while i do something else. Not worth it. SO frustrating.
On the other hand, we are starting to see some results. Z has to wear a belt now, and his arms are so pretty. :) I think I may be losing weight as well, though I am not sure if it is from working out or the stress of never sleeping and trying to get through my life. sigh.
This is... seemingly unrelated, but working out is the main thing that drives me up the wall and forces me daily to wonder if ALL newly weds have this much trouble balancing life/work/time together or if we are just abnormal. Every time I have a breakdown Z tries to re-assure me that we are normal and I am expecting too much/being too hard on myself... but then all our newly wed friends (or even not-so-newly wed friends) seem to have plenty of time together and I don't see any of them having breakdowns??? Or complaining about lack of sleep??? Where did I miss the 'Time Management for Wives 101' sign up sheet??? UGH.
2) I've been learning and trying a lot of new things the past two weeks, here are some of the highlights:
Tried making hamburger helper for a meal to give myself a break: Catastrophic results. As it turns out, apparently I am not skilled enough to make crappy food.
Made cinnamon rolls and bread from scratch for the first time all by myself: excellent results.
Made myself a sweater. Learning some new sewing techniques so I can sew some clothes for Christmas gifts.
Tried a new restaurant: Spin! Yummy-ness. Want to go back without my husband and get something with goat cheese and/or veggies on it though.
3) Dishes still gross me out. We did a great kitchen clean on sat, and I did a good job keeping it clean of dishes all week after that. (the fabric, scissors, paint, etc. all over the kitchen table are a different story...)
4) Recycled costumes: Went to the good will, and pulled discarded pieces from our wardrobe to create Halloween costumes for us. Pretty excited about the results. I will post them at a later date...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Dear Friday,
Valerie L. Pogemiller
Monday, October 4, 2010
First of the season.
I turned my space heater on my toes under my desk today.
Monday, September 27, 2010
100 DC Update #4
Friday, September 24, 2010
Expectations and Dishes and Games
The last month has been a little crazy. Z went back to school (as did the rest of the world) so we see each other less and have even more demands on the time we do have together. By the time we get home each night we are too exhausted to enjoy each other's company. Which is... disappointing, to say the least. I have especially been overwhelmed with the demands of keeping up with my work, life, and housework, meals, laundry...
But dishes seem to always be my downfall. I can't keep them under control. I can have every dish in the house clean when i leave the house, come home and there is a sink of dishes. Then I have to rush-rush make dinner before I can deal with them, and by the time dinner is ready, the husband is home, and we need to spend time together, or workout, or i just don't have the time to finish all the dishes before crashing... and then I get up the next day and the same thing happens again.
He said nothing as he finished putting away dishes, reloaded the dishwasher, pushed it across the kitchen and hooked it up to run yet another load. Then he came into the living room and smiled at me. And I love him so much, I couldn't pout anymore because he saved me from the dish monster trying to eat my soul and crush my spirit.
I suggested we play a game. And for a moment he looked at me like I was crazy, then went downstairs and grabbed a couple board games (we got a whole collection for wedding gifts!) and we spent about two hours playing board games last night... in the middle of our living room floor... laughing and having a good time. I liked it.
Usually our time spent together is watching TV or chatting in the car on the way to somewhere. But it was really fun to have no where to go (and no dishes taunting me!) and no TV or computers on... just a low-tech board game, a little friendly competition (He won LIFE, I won Stratego-- which I think hurt his feelings, just a little), and some valuable time together.
Sooo... married life is different than I expected. Never thought that dishes would become my nemesis, and my husband my hero for occasionally rescuing me from them. I never thought that the greatest night of my month would be in the middle of my living room shoving little plastic pieces across a board. I didn't expect that the little things would be the things that make or break us. Last night they made us GREAT.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Shameless plug for a cool person I know
Love you, Court! Good luck!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Hidden Treasure (and/or groceries)
But every spring when I am putting away the heavy coats, I slip a few bills in one of the pockets and then forget about it. Or if I have a gift card that I don't immediately have use for, I put it in the bottom of my card basket, or in my sock drawer.. and then a month or two later when i get to the bottom of that drawer... Holy cow! $25 to Walmart, I totally didn't know I had! Or an extra $10 in my pocket come fall when yes, it's unreasonably expensive, but also unreasonably uplifting to sip on a carmel apple cider from Starbucks. Thank you, Spring! You're most welcome, Fall!
Well, most recently I did that when we had a ba-zillion gift cards after our wedding, and my husband was on a spending spree i grabbed a couple... hid one in my drawer, and one in the date box and forgot about them.
This month money got tight. Z went back to school, and there is nothing like a semester at a christian school to clear out your checking account. I am kind of starting to feel like Old Mother Hubbard when I open the pantry door, and I have been wondering and wondering what we were going to do on Wednesday when the next school payment cleans us out again and we have to decide between gas for my car, or milk and bread. (which honestly... gallon of milk... gallon of gas... not a lot of difference in price there, my friends!)
Anyway... I went over to the 'date box' which has not been opened in several months (due to previously explained financial situation) because i found I little sentimental trinket I wanted to put in there... and whatever should I find shining up from the bottom of the box at me... but a brand new, never been used, $25 gift card to Walmart! (Can you see the beam of light from the sky and the little angel choir **AHHHHHH!!!** ???) It was like stumbling upon buried treasure. What a beautiful, marvelous magnificent surprise!
You will never ever guess what I'm gonna do tonight! I'm gonna go grocery shopping! Milk and bread... and even some peanut butter! YEEESS!!! (*Fist Pump*)
Today is that second kind of day.
And I am not just being dramatic (well, maybe I am but...) because there is someone else who feels the same way! ...who has quite literally been beating their head against the wall all morning! ...well, against the window.
There is a bird outside my front window, whom I would only assume is beating his head against my window because he is bored out of his skull like I am. Of course if he keeps it up he's gonna crunch his little skull... but he is persistent! He's either gonna make it through that glass or die trying.
Okay, so maybe the bird isn't bored. Maybe he's OCD. Or stupid. But it can't feel good each time the cla-thunks! my window then thuds to the ground. Every time he gets right up and does it again about 30 seconds later.
At least the bored/OCD/stupid bird offers some entertainment (for the time being, I am sure an hour from now... I'll be over it.)
Friday, September 10, 2010
100 DC update
1) P90X is kicking my butt. Yoga last night? HOLY CRAP. I was SO not ready for that. Z and I have been doing it every night together which has been motivational and frustrating at the same time. We only have one set of weights and very limited space in our living room... lots of running into each other and pausing to share weights and stuff. We also have no yoga mats... meaning our backs are rug-burned from that dang ab-ripper-X and yoga last night was a little yucky for the same reason. That and our rug smells real funky when you come into close contact with it for that long of a period. So on our wishlist for that *someday* when we have paid our bills and bought our groceries and realize we have money left over (HA!): Yoga Mats. Or if anyone has un-used ones they want to send out way, well thats okay with us too! :) (At this point in our life we are not above donations of any kind... but i digress) So P90X is... well... we're getting through it. Yikes.
Also, for some kind of sadistic accountability reasons, I feel inclined to share that we took 'before' pics (that I will not be posting) and measurements. I am happy to report that even my 'before' body fat percentage is at 20.3% which is an acceptable range. Interested to see how/if that will change over the course of the program.
2) This week I learned:
-how to do some new exercises/yoga... that was interesting
-what 'Monday Night Football' is. (HA! Thanks, Jemel)
-how to use some of the easier editing tools in photo-shop and publisher
-how to recover documents I thought were lost in quickbooks
-how to process jars after canning
I tried:
-making pear butter for the first time!
-making a chocolate zucchini cake (that was really fantastic, even though Z refused to eat any of it.)
-a new pasta recipe my husband did like/eat
3) I did GREAT I keeping a spotless kitchen with all the dishes done for a few days this week... but then last night the week caught up with me, and we rushed out the door to bible study, then back to yoga and i was pooped afterward... and I have a sink full of dirty dishes from last night's dinner to prove it. sigh. Oh well. Room for improvement, and tonight we can start over from scratch with a clean kitchen.
4) On Monday we had the day off for Labor Day, so we celebrated by cleaning our basement and starting P90X. Whoooo... blah. The Basement, though not complete, is in MUCH better shape. It is now my job to free-cycle away all the things we are getting rid of. I might freecycle and craigslist next week, and everything else will go to goodwill. Z is ready to be done with it... I don't want to just fill up the landfill with it all though...
Also the weather has been cooler so we turn off hte air at night and open windows. I try to open blinds and curtains during the day and use natural light rather than electricity... and of course hit the light switch every time I leave a room.
Soooo... I am slowly but surely moving along through my challenges. Some days I make great headway, and the next day I'll take myself back a few steps... but I think in general it's been a positive trend, so thats a good thing. Good luck to everyone else doing the 100 DC!
81 days to go! :)
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
P90X pain report
Friday, September 3, 2010
100 DC update #2
1) OMG, P90X finally came in the mail. I was expecting it a couple weeks ago... but was mis-informed.
2) This week I learned:
It takes much more water than I thought to keep your body going, also...
A glass of water can calm nerves, increase energy in the afternoons, and even help my daily headaches.
Z likes blue cheese. A LOT.
How to make some really fun crinkle baby toys
When you suck a bug up your nose, you can use a saline nasal wash to get it out (Gross, but true... and valuable info to know!)
and I tried:
A new recipe my husband loved.
Naked Juice: Green Machine=LOVE
Relating to some frustrating people in a different way, with great results! I had to re-arrange my veiw of things, but I found they weren't as impossible as i originally labeled them.
3) Didn't do a lot in my kitchen this week, becuase i was lazy. The one night I did make a for-real dinner, Z got home a little late, and so I basically had all the food-prep dishes clean before the meal started. Yay. We did better about loading things directly in the dishwasher after a meal (instead of piling in the sink) and Z ran the dishwasher for me the other day-- without my even asking which was a pleasant surprise! I think this is progress on the dish front.
4) Cans to the recycle place, thank you. Free-cycled my first item this week (an Ironing board) and got a larger file cabinet that we will be transitioning some files to, the free-cycling the old one. (anyone need a 2 drawer metal file cabinet???) It has also been cooler in the evenings, so we have turned the air off and opened windows, which makes my heart happy, and uses a lot less energy. Yay, us!
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
If you have sincerely had a change of heart... ball up and apologize to people. Don't send someone else ("tell everyone I'm sorry") or expect social networking sites to do the job for you ("I sent him a message on facebook..."). That kind of response still lacks maturity and responsibility in every way. And quite honestly, pisses people off.
It is, unfortunately, a long, frustrating, and humbling process to rebuild that bridge you burnt absolutely to the ground, so if you know yourself to be impulsive, immature, fickle, or you opinion easily swayed... next time, I would think very carefully before you get out your flame thrower.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
100DC Update
My 100DC has had a slow start... we were on vacation for the first couple days this week... and I've had a hard time catching up to life since then, plus it's birthday week around here, so we have been doing lots of extra celebrating with extra lazy time mixed in... anywho... here's how i am doing on each of my 4 challenges:
1) P90X: Worked out with Joel the first day. Had fun. Was so sore the next day I wanted to cry. We haven't received our copy in the mail yet-- so it's up to me to be active on my own, I guess... and I've been doing more ice-cream eating and movie watching, BUT it's beautiful weather and the boys are dying to get outside these days... so I am sure there will be much activity this weekend... at least a run or two with the dogs.
2) Learn/try something new: This week I played frisbee golf for the first time, did P90X for the first time, Met two cool people and learned about their lives, Wrote the longest sewing tutorial I ever have to date (and discovered I need to learn a) how to make patterns and b) correct sewing lingo. ha!). I also learned some things about my husband and how to communicate and relate to him better, just by spending time with his family, and talking on our car ride. Learning, trying, growing, good for me.
3) Dishes: Well... um... when we left town the sink was full of dirty dishes (I had asked my husband to help me with that, since I was crazy busy that day, but he was not feeling helpful in any way, and we were walking out the door when i saw the still-full sink.) I dreaded coming home to the inevitable stinky mess, and was it ever. Yesterday did a load in the dishwasher in the 13 minutes i had at home before rushing out the door again, but still can't bring myself to tackle that pile. But today is the day. We'll call it a birthday present to a better me.
4) Three Rs: I go through the house each morning and turn off all the fans and lights in rooms we are not using. I have a tub in the basement full of soda cans (and probably other stuff, as I cannot for the life of my convince my dear husband that is not a trash can) that I will take in sometime tomorrow. We need to clean out our basement... DESPERATELY and so that project will probably have a lot of recycling, upcycling, freecycling and the like attached to it. I hope to not send much to the landfill... but get A LOT of stuff out of our house.
Soooo thats where I'm at. With hopes for a better next week in all areas of my challenge! :)
Oh, and it's also my Birthday today. I have plans tonight with my parents for my traditional daddy-made birthday dinner (fried chicken, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and watermelon) and a motorcycle ride. Should be... amazing. :)
My Boys and Their Toys
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Insight from my best friend:
Monday, August 23, 2010
100 Day Challenge
Anywho, I decided to participate and so I am posting here for you my goals. I have a couple different goals I am working on... and they have actually changed slightly from what I originally posted on Courtney's site, but I have explained in detail about each of them below...
1) Complete P90X in 100 days Okay, I know that P90X is a 90 day program. I also know that Valeries are not as ambitious as Tony Whats-his-bucket who designed the 90 day program. So I figure if I can stick with it and have 10 free passes in the next 100 days I can feel good about that. Z's fam bought us P90X for our b-days, so it's perfect timing. I do better with quantitative goals than qualitative... so instead of 'get in shape' or 'lose weight' my first goal is two fold, complete P90X and be able to do an unassisted pull up (Which i have never before even come close to doing--don't judge me) by Dec. 1.
2) Learn/Try something new every day I know I just made my qualitative/quantitative speech... and this one hardly falls into the latter category. But i was sitting around my place of employment the other day looking at my dreary bored co-workers and I thought to myself, I am not going to be here forever. Meaning in this place, this job, this stage of life... whatever. But the only way to move yourself out of dreary bored-ness is to keep moving and keep learning and sometimes trying things and learning by error... learning and trying. I am currently teaching myself to sew. I like trying new cooking techniques, the other day I refinished a bedside table, and since recently getting married I am attempting to speak a new language--MALE. Sooo... Learn/try something every day, easy enough to accomplish. I think it will be interesting to record. ha!
3) Don't go to bed with Dirty dishes this seems simplistic enough, but I am not a tidy person by nature. And the kitchen... well the kitchen messes quickly overwhelm me. I can create more dishes than any person I know making dinner for 2. It's out of control. But if I can get each day's dishes out of the way before starting a new day, I can re-gain control of my kitchen... slowly but surely... this is going to be the toughest for me, I am afraid.
4) The Three R's. I live in lovely Johnson County Kansas, which is a backwards part of the world where they charge you to recycle. If you want to recycle your paper products, cans, and glass... you have to pay a monthly fee for recycling pick up service. Drop off centers for such resources are few and far from here... it's just silly. That will not, however, keep me from my attempts to reduce my carbon footprint... or whatever that lingo is. Here are a few things I am implementing:
a) buckets in the basement for aluminum and paper. (I know of local-ish drops for those items that i can make a trip to weekly)
b) make fun of my mom because she is a little out of control with her free-cycling, but it's a better way to get larger items to someone who can use/fix stuff that would otherwise sit in a landfill. Likewise, I have saved a couple items from landfill status by taking them off the hands of others... and saved $$$ at the same time. woot.
c) Light switches. There is a switch for a reason-- so you can turn it off. This is more of a challenge for my dear husband than it is personally... but we will work to be better about unnecessary energy consumption...
So there's our few things we will doooooo... not world changing, but world helping, right? right.
So there are my goals, my friends. I hope you will... participate with me in encouraging and keeping me accountable to the challenges i have put myself to. Should be fun. As my friend Sara would say... it will be Life Changing! :) yay!
***Challenge runs Aug 23, 2010 through Dec 1, 2010****
Monday, August 16, 2010
It's going to be a Happy Birthday for someone I love...
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Highlight of my week:
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I keep a toothbrush and a travel size tube of toothpaste in a case in the back of my drawer. And I pull out my little case, grab my can of clorox wipes, and walk into the bathroom. (I share a bathroom with a bunch of males at work, so it is generally yucky. I start by wiping down the sink, and any other area I may touch with the clorox wipes.) I pull out the brush and the paste, I wet the brush, apply the paste and go to town on my teeth... because there are just so many things that I can't deal with when my teeth are sticky and my mouth is warm. Blehck. So I scrub scrub scrub all the goo off my teeth and use that time to take a few deep breaths to calm my nerves. Then I rinse, re-case my supplies, and wash my hands... all while trying to touch as few surfaces as possible in the bathroom. I walk back to my desk, and use the hand sanitizer.
I am now cool calm and collected and ready to deal with whatever they throw at me next. It's a good 2-minute re-group to get me through harried days. Yup... I brush my teeth at work. gross, huh?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Thursday, July 15, 2010
So you are defeated, discouraged, and frustrated and retreat to the people and activities that usually help you rest, refuel, and re-energize... but you don't have your best to give to those activities or people so suddenly those things are not working out for you as well, and those people are frustrated at you for not being better at relationships, and you are frustrated for not being better at anything you do... and you feel completely and totally ineffective and therefore unnecessary...
And because all your defenses are down emotionally and spiritually, the physical world decides to go ahead and rub salt in your proverbial wounds with some kind of ridiculous, though not life threatening illness, such as a pounding, nausea-inducing headache, or a mouth full of canker sores that just make it uncomfortable to eat, drink, talk, kiss, sing, or think about doing any of the above mentioned tasks that may or may not be essential to your existence...
And all this just sucks you further into the spiraling vortex black-hole of a nasty yucky FUNK.
Ever have a week like that? Thats the week I am having.
To my knowledge... the only known cure for such a week is pancakes, but I havn't the time or energy to make my own de-funk-ing cakes right now. So I might just be screwed.
UPDATE: I tore a hole in one of my favorite shirts today. sigh.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Time Out.
I do know that I need to slow down. I need space to think, breathe, and pray. I need some time to ask tough questions right now, and figure out the answers. There has been no time for asking questions or learning truth as I have over-filled my life. And not with bad things... with 'good' things... like spending time with friends/family, working, and using my talents... doing things I enjoy... but doing so much that my head and heart are overwhelmed.
So I am sitting in my quiet house this morning, not even the dogs are here making noise. And the quiet is a wonderful sound. Sitting and doing nothing and refusing to think of things that need to be done is welcome rest for my soul. I am quietly reviewing my life--the past week, past months, etc. and thinking about the things that brought me joy, and the times when I kinda blew it. And I am working my brain around how to handle some new situations and changing relationships in my life. I am trying to remember how to be loving or even just how to be 'nice' to some really frustrating people... instead of just trying to ignore it because 'I don't have time.' What a horrible horrible thing to say.
In just a little bit I will get up and do some laundry and wash some dishes then gather up my things and head out the door for another performance. But I will leave my home refreshed and energized, for a change, and ready to share that energy with many people I will meet today. I am quite grateful for my quiet time out today.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Public Service Announcement
If your Wife is in a show, it is expected that you should attend at least one of her performances. Several, if you want to earn brownie points.
Also, as a token of your love, affection, and the phenomenal job she has done, it is expected that you send/bring flowers to her for at least one of her performances. If you don't know where to start: An arrangement in a vase delivered to her dressing room on opening night, or an arm bouquet personally delivered after the show on closing night are both stellar options. ***It is important to note that the flowers should be presented to her at the performance venue, when friends and adoring fans are still present... flowers waiting at home do not have nearly the same effect to make your special lady feel even more special and celebrated as she deserves to be for her hard work.***
Be sure to include a note telling her you love her, you are proud of her, she did a fantastic job (or if delivered pre-show... "Break a leg" not "good luck").
Hope this helps shed some light on the situation! Feel free to share and distribute this info as you see fit.
***Please don't think I am a greedy and/or presumptuous person for saying such things... I have quickly discovered in my own marriage that it is better to state your expectations clearly for your significant other than to just HOPE they know what you expect... usually the latter method ends in disappointment and frustration for both parties.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
You should know,
Zach or Zachary are fine for you. Thanks!
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Breaking habits
Huh? I don't touch my face all the--
Yes. You do.
Well I shrugged him off, he is a boy. What does he know about skin care?
But it stuck in my mind and I started noticing each time I have touched my face the last several days. Promise you won't tell Z this-- but he's right! I do touch my face (chin, cheeks, mouth) almost constantly. UGH.
So I am trying to break myself of this habit now, and it is not at all easy. My hands automatically go up there... or I rest my chin on my hand when reading... or I have a phone pressed to my face... it's really difficult to stop it!
And I know at least one person is going to read this and recommend also that I should wash my hands more often as well-- already been on top of that one for years-- germ-a-phobe who works around little kids. I go through more soap and hand sanitizer than anyone I know.
How do you break a 25 yr old habit of constantly touching your face???
Monday, June 21, 2010
Visa Commercial
48 Vases leftover from wedding: $48.00
200 gold chargers, left over from wedding: $200.00
Selling all your leftover wedding decor and being able to afford pictures from the best day of your life: PRICELESS
There are some things money can't buy, but for my wedding pictures, I'm paying CASH! :)
Friday, June 18, 2010
Married life
Regardless, on the whole, I would say I have to agree. I like walking into my own home and greeting my excitable dogs and kissing my husband, and I even like making him bland dinners and rubbing his shoulders when he watches TV. I like that it is so not the exciting glamorous life I always dreamed of but it's a happy comfortable routine that we are cozy-ing into. It's not the spectacular big events, but the small daily happenings of our life that excite me right now. Ah, Married life...
(Oh, and that tiff this morning... well, neither of us are really fighters so most arguments dissolve quickly, and today was no exception. A quick phonecall at work to apologize and it is behind us now, though it will no doubt spark some conversation over our weekly Friday night pizza tonight. Ah, married life...)
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Laundry and Loathing and Longing
But then I stumbled accross this picture of a gorgeous laundry room:

Or I might also just love to have a laundry room that looks like this:

Which may actually be a more realistic goal for me... it's still clean and bright and organized.
But alas and alack, my laundry room looks nothing like wither of those pictures. My laundry room (and you must know this is rather embarrassing to reveal in all it's cluttered, dirty, concrete ickiness...) looks like this:(shudder) I can't believe I just shared that. I don't even like to look at it-- much less be in it. As you can see I have no white washed cabinets, sparkling tile, or bright clean, happy looking walls. What functional storage we have is unorganized, and basically holding trash. The floor and walls are dirty concrete and I have no where I can fold clothes... even if I wanted to. (sigh) it's the most depressing room/space of my life.
I was talking to Z about cleaning up the laundry area and making some small inexpensive changes to try to boost it's appeal... he thinks I am crazy for wanting to 'fix up' our laundry room, but not so crazy that he has offered to do laundry so I don't have to be in the yucky room.
So, here are my proposed laundry room changes/additions/remodel:
(yes, it's a scribbled on picture of the same dirty space as above. PROPOSED changes--dream with me!) A. PAINT the walls and raw wood shelves a clean bright white color.
B. STORAGE I would really like to put some cabinets above the washer/dryer, and then clean off the shelves and keep baskets for laundry there, so it wouldn't have to pile up on the floor. which bring us to...
C. FLOOR I know we don't have money to put down nice pretty tile or even easier-to-keep-clean vinyl flooring. But I am considering a floor paint or stain-- and hopefully something with a nice hard shiny finish so I can mop it up and feel like it's at least partially cleaner.
D. HIDE I have an old changing screen thats just dying for a makeover and a laundry room with a big nasty eyesore of a water heater... the two should meet. It will be magical, I just know it!
See, don't you think that will at least be a great IMPROVEMENT? Now I just have to get Z on board. I seem to be pretty good at getting my way with him when I have my mind set on something. I imagine he will shake his head and laugh at me when I suggest it-- or when he comes home one day and I am in the midst of a bigger mess than this whole thing was to begin with. But he always helps me out of my messes... which is why he is my husband and I love him.
And because I love him, I do his laundry. And because I do his laundry, I would like to love my laundry room.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Should I commit to another blog? Do I have enough ideas on a regular basis to really keep one going? Will I feel guilty toward this one as I do my recipe blog when I don't post for months at a time? I just don't know right now... even though I find the idea of a venue dedicated to sharing my ideas and creations incredibly appealling, but maybe thats just the narcissist in me.
Plus, the first thing I need to accomplish is a ridiculously clever name for a new blog full of creative crafty valerie-ness. hmmm...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wedding gift survey:
However, I have had quite a few people asking us about the 'tangible' gifts we received, so I thought it would be interesting to do a little survey here: (I hope it is not in poor taste to discuss gifts you have received... shrug... I don't know for sure, if you are offended or appalled, my deepest apologies)
- We spent wedding gift money on: Honeymoon, patio furniture, bedroom furniture, and a Wii.
- Most creative/interesting gift received: Someone gave us shelves off our registry along with a stud finder tool--Thoughtful! , we also received two scrapbooks and a 'date box' to collect mementos--I like those!
- Funniest gift received: Tonight/Not Tonight pillows from Z's Aunt... HA!
- Most sentimental gift received: Tea Cup from Grandma
- Most surprised to receive: China-- didn't think anyone had a budget to fit my extravagant tastes!
- Received the most duplicates of: Cake pans! We received 7 round cake pans total! :)
- Most frequently used wedding gift to date: Round Pizza Pan, (and probably sheet sets/pillows on our bed)
- On our registry, didn't receive as a gift, first thing we purchased: IRON
- Gift Z was most excited to use: Digital picture frame, or tools (you know, gadgets)
- Gift V was most excited to use: Le Creuset dutch oven, or the fat fluffy new towels
- Favorite wedding gift: HOUSE CLEANING! (sigh, it was pristine and beautiful when we walked into our house on our wedding night. AMAZING.)
You participate in the survey now! Tell me: What were some of your favorite wedding gifts you received... or what is your favorite thing to give as a wedding gift?
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
A Perfect Day: Part III
--Text message from Z at 10:00 when he woke up: We are getting married today... I love you.
--I couldn't get over gorgeous my friends and Mamas are as they were getting hair and makeup done... each of them just stunning. It was so fun.
--When I saw Z during the 'first look' he kissed me-- without stopping to figure out how fresh my lip color was and if it would get all over him. (first time ever!)
--Z shaking his head at me because I was sitting on the split rail fence eating up my photo shoot when he brought the car around. Both he and the photographer made me agree if my mom got mad about the ruined dress i had to tell her it was my idea to climb the fence.
--Standing in the bathroom at the church scrubbing my muddy shoes, while B scrubbed my muddy dress, J was drying it with a hair dryer, and A was trying to get me to eat a sandwhich.
--Joel patiently held my dress while my mom ran the steamer over it to remove wrinkles just minutes before the wedding started.
--Pinning flowers on my parents was a small quiet moment that I loved.
--Donnie was a tiny bit emotional and having a hard time reading his book becuase of the lighting... substituted the word 'sadness' for 'sacredness' and everyone was cracking up. It was an icebreaker for sure-- our wedding ceased to be proper and stuffy right then and there.
--When the best man pulled his ring 'stunt' as soon as Z saw the empty box he turned to me and said-- "I didn't know about this!" and he was so genuinely surprised and tickled by the whole thing I knew he was telling the truth. I couldn't really be mad at them... it was funny.
--There were no lights on during the ceremony, just natural light from the windows and candles, so it was a little dark in there until donnie was giving the benediction. When he said 'may his face radiate with joy' sunlight came BURSTING through the front window of the church right on us. And I just thought to myself: "This is the coolest day of my life." I swear I didn't make it up either-- I have picture proof. This was my favorite moment of the day.
--I love that the dance floor was most full during the Father/daughter and mother/son dance time. It was sweet to see so many people taking advantage of the oppurtunity to dance with their parent or child!
--When we walked into our house that evening... it was PRISTINE. I had never seen that place so clean and so beautiful. My mom's friend cleaned it as a wedding gift and it was the most wonderful gift anyone could ask for. We just stood for several moments in the door way in awe.
--I just remember laughing a lot that day. At nothing in particular. I laughed because I was happy and light-hearted. I was having fun. All day. It is the most fun, relaxed, happy day I can ever remember having. And I laughed all day long!